
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Pho Fusion

I don't know what it was about the allure of Dodgeball, but I felt compelled to play. And play I did. Once I arrived, I realized I was on one of only two faculty teams and there were around twenty student teams, mostly boys. It could have been worse...

I mention this because one of the student teams was Team Pho, and they were wearing the cool t-shirts from Pho Fusion, one of which says "pho-natic" and the other which says "pho-shizzle." So clever. I've actually seen these students at Pho Fusion during lunch when I'm trying to do anything but run into students. At least these guys were less enthusiastic about my presence than I was about there's.

But on to why this place is so awesome. It could be the charisma of the owner, Tom Bird. He is a natural at the art of sincere small talk (if there is such a thing), and seems to be a downright good guy. You want him to succeed, and there's little doubt that he will.

But it's not just about Tom. It's the food. It is exceptional. The quality and freshness of the ingredients is truly amazing and totally comes through in the food. My two favorite dishes are the chicken pho (although the beef is spectacular) and the pad thai. A word about the pho. I could go on and on about how good it is, but you could read about that anywhere. I want to talk about that big plate of pho accoutrements. The plate includes thai basil, cilantro, jalapeno slices, a wedge of lime and a big bunch of bean sprouts. I almost feel guilty because I use only a fraction of this fresh goodness: one or two torn basil leaves, a small squeeze of lime, a few cilantro leaves, and a one or two jalepeno slices (after I poke the seeds off). I never touch the bean sprouts -- not a fan. But I feel so wasteful! I feel guilty! I secretly hope that my unused produce gets recycled in some way (yet I'm equally horrified by the thought).

I need to let it go and enjoy the pho for its own sake. It is so good -- you just feel virtuous after having pho for lunch (or dinner). Even when I've gone a bit overboard and consumed just enough to send me to the other side of sloshy, I know it's only liquid and it will pass. Maybe if I keep eating at Pho Fusion, I'll be in tip-top shape for next year's dodgeball and I'll be pho-nominal! (sorry)

E.O.D. Bathroom Rating: It's pretty spare in there. Very white. Kind of like when in the Matrix, they're in the "construct" before the guns come swooshing in. 2.5 out of 5 flushes.