
Friday, July 15, 2005

Sushi Den

You know it's summer when you really want to eat nothing but sushi. M and I have had a sushi craving for a few days now. We were going to go out to get some with KB and C on Sunday, thinking C would be off from work. He was, but they had already made plans with some other folks. That was the night we went to Milagro (see Milagro Taco Bar II).

So we tried them again on Monday. Chefs don't work on Mondays, right? Wrong. C had to work, so M, KB, and I had to enjoy our evening at Sushi Den without him. :(

As we set out (we usually all go in KB's car since we live so close and Baby J needs his car seat), we were sure there would be no wait. Not on a Monday at 8pm!!! As you can probably tell, we were wrong. Dang, that place must be making money hand-roll over fist! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself).

But seriously, the only other place I can think of that is that packed that consistently is Benny's. (Another place making mucho dinero, I'm sure). Sushi Den knows what they're doing, obviously, and even though we did have to wait 15 of the predicted 20 minutes for a table, it was totally worth it. We started with the compulsory edamame (I like the way they serve them warm) and another appetizer consisting of sashimi (chef's choice) and freshly grated wasabi. Great.

For dinner, we went with the classics: nigiri sushi -- yellowtail, seared tuna, and salmon; sushi rolls -- shrimp tempura and rocky mountain roll. Sooo good. We also got a bottle of the Grgich Hills sauvignon blanc, which was fantastic. I wonder if you can get that at Argonaut?

Anyway, it was a great time food-wise, drink-wise, and chat-wise. Baby J was working his mojo on a gal at the next table over who had a sexy tattoo on her back. He couldn't look away and was very flirty. The tattoo gal was cool, and played right along. It's only a matter of time before KB and C will pick up the phone at home to a high, giggly voice asking "Is J there?" Kind of a bug-out, actually.

1 comment:

Nell said...

Just wanted to say I've enjoyed your blog, and sorry to see you aren't posting any longer.